John loves to entertain

John loves to entertain
No matter how large or small the event

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ear Peace: More Than An Ear Plug - Get Your 25% Coupon Code

The people at Ear Peace were kind enough to send me a pair of Ear Peace ear plugs to try out and review. But, that's not all! They also are offering savings to you - my readers! Keep reading to get your coupon code. I was excited when I received the package and, being the wife of a musician, realized immediately that my husband was perfect for conducting the review.

Today, he tried them out. But, it wasn't at a concert. He went outside to mow the lawn. He usually uses a sponge-type earplug when he mows to protect his ears from the noise. He read the instructions and inserted them into his ears. A nice thing about about them is that you can adjust them to control the volume at different levels. Another nice thing we realized immediately is that they are made of silicone and they come with a container to store them in that attaches to a keychain for easy access. The silicone makes it possible to wash the ear plugs and reuse them. This is very important to my hubby because he has, in the past, reused ear plugs and then suffered from an ear infection. Not so, with the Ear Peace.

The ear peace plugs have a little silicone notch on them that make them easy to remove from the ear. So, no worries of losing something inside your eardrum. The silicone also makes them flexible, providing comfort and fit to different sized ears easily.

Ear peace earplugs can be found at The 25% off discount code for 2 sets of the EarPeace product to use when you order is music25.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Drop some love - It only takes a dollar!

Hey guys! The Love Drop team is at it again! Last month they gave over $9,200 worth of cash, goods and services to their recipient, the Stalnaker family, who had been going through a financially hard time due to the effects of the BP oil spill on the Louisiana economy. The family was in need of a car and the Love Drop team was able to surprise them with one, making it one of the most exciting Love Drops ever. You can watch how it all went down here.

This month they rally behind the Aubins - a Michigan mother and her three children who are mourning the death of Keith, husband and father, after his lengthy battle with multiple health problems. Our goal is to raise at least $3,600 to pay the family's rent for three months, which will allow them to focus on what they need to during this time, without fear of losing their home. Additionally, since Keith was an organ donor, he leaves a powerful legacy and the Love Drop team hopes to raise awareness of organ donation this month to honor Keith's memory. Help us make this month special for the Aubins!

Want to help? Here are three ways you can participate:

Give $25 towards rent <-- Click this link to contribute $25 towards their rent for the next three months - it will relieve so much stress for them. Give a gift or service - Gift cards are always helpful. Places like Target, Wal-mart, restaurants, etc would definitely help them out. Services too - especially those you can offer yourselves, or from your company.

Organ donation - We're giving the Aubin's the gift of knowing that the people on our team are organ donors. If you are one now, or pledge to be soon, please tell us so, and we'll relay the total number as a gift at the Drop.