John loves to entertain

John loves to entertain
No matter how large or small the event

Friday, January 11, 2013

Music and the Bible

Of course, in the Bible, the Book of Psalms is made up of songs of worship to God.  But, as a musician, I am fascinated with musical worship and wondered what other references to music is found in the scriptures.

I found this site that links to all of the musical references:

One of my favorite things to do is to take scripture and turn it into a song.  One such scripture I turned into a song years ago was not found in Psalms, but in Deuteronomy.

It goes like this:

The Lord Himself goes before you
And, He will be with you.

The Lord Himself goes before you
And, He will be with you.
He will never leave you, nor forsake you.
So, do not be discouraged
For the Lord Himself goes before
The Lord Himself goes before you...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Moving the Music to an iPad

So excited!  We have moved into the new year and the new century of technology.

I no have an iPad which I plan to use to replace my mounds of music lyric and chord sheets I use when performing.

It's going to be a massive project of transferring my marked-up, highlighted lyric sheets onto the iPad.  However, once it's done it will be well worth it.

And, it will hopefully lessen how much gear I have to transport with me in one van which is filled with 3 children and my wife when I'm on tour.  Maybe my wife will actually get some foot room this next trip when our iPad transferring project is complete.

I'm hoping this streamlined, sleek way of reading music will not only look professional but save me hours of thumbing through paper.